• Our Story
  • Our Business
  • Sustainability・DEIB

Top Commitment

Through sustainable activity, JTB CONNECTS and CONTRIBUTESto the environment...to communities...to a better life experience...and a brighter tomorrow


At the JTB Group, our social responsibility is encapsulated in our mission statement: We strive to foster peace and global interconnectedness through the creation of opportunities for meaningful human interaction. At its core, our mission represents sustainability itself.

JTB defines its business domain as 'creating opportunities that bring people, places and possibilities together'. Having delivered excitement, wonder and connections to customers worldwide for over 110 years, we understand that the continuity of our business depends on our ability to preserve all that is precious on the Earth for generations to come.The pandemic brought global travel to a standstill for far too long. Throughout this challenging period, my communication with customers, business partners and employees made one thing absolutely clear: No matter how society evolves and values change, people will always seek out ways to connect with one another.Connections allow us to learn and expand, to deepen and broaden as human beings, and to generate economic value for businesses, communities and countries. Across all of our organization's activities, we strive to 'enrich the human experience' by facilitating connections - both real and virtual.We recognize that conventional travel and tourism practices can impact communities and the environment adversely in the form of CO2 emissions, overtourism, etc. The JTB Group is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and innovating solutions that reduce the environmental footprint of our value chain. We are also developing ecologically responsible ways of fostering mutual understanding and engagement, protecting the global environment, and preserving humanity's historic and culture heritage.In short, we are determined to simultaneously achieve business growth and sustainability... to create new ways of bringing people together even as we reduce environmental impact. To succeed, we must view our business not only in terms of what we offer our customers but in terms of how we contribute to communities and their residents as well as to the health of our planet. This means fundamentally reimagining our relationships with one another and with nature. It means invoking wisdom and compassion to strike a sustainable balance between the demands of business and the needs of society and Mother Earth.
Service excellence is no longer enough. We must walk side by side with our customers in a shared journey towards sustainability by highlighting its importance and offering a broader lineup of sustainability options. We must collaborate with like-minded organizations in and beyond the travel and tourism sector to forge a culture of sustainability.
We cannot do this alone. We need to harness the relationships we have cultivated over more than a century with customers, business partners, communities, government agencies and other stakeholders. We must use our business as a vehicle for connecting and contributing to a sustainable future for all.

President and CEO, JTB Corp.