Organizational DevelopmentSmiles-in-Action Program and Organizational Development Program fuel the creation of new value

Smiles-in-Action Program is a unique JTB Group program aimed at improving employee engagement and organizational strength. Through events such as Family Day and workshops on career development, sustainability and other relevant topics, Smiles-in-Action Program promotes a workplace environment characterized by open communication, camaraderie and collaboration.
Smiles-in-Action Program Committee members meet several times a year to report on progress and discuss new ideas. Through communication and partnering between Committees from different workplaces, the Smiles-in-Action Program also encourages collaboration and knowledge-sharing across the Group.
Smiles-in-Action Program is a key component of the Group's broader Organizational Development Program (ODP). Our ODP is a methodical (PDCA-based) approach to cultivating organizational transformation through tailored initiatives (line management training, etc.) based on the results of Employee Awareness Surveys (Workforce Surveys) as well as input from in-Group HR specialists.
Through these and other efforts, the JTB Group is working to improve employee engagement and cultivate an inclusive and diverse workplace environment that empowers all of our people to achieve their fullest potential. We believe that by encouraging open communication and supporting the unique needs of our colleagues, we create an organizational culture that fosters collaboration and innovation and supports the 'real value experience' we seek to provide to our customers.